Music Review: Ranzel X Kendrick – Crazy Love

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Ranzel X Kendrick gains attention for representing acoustic beauties, his guitar digs deeper into abstraction, until the physical trappings of the instrument largely melts away. Ranzel X Kendrick has a smooth style of guitar playing, and for a good reason.

His single “Crazy Love” runs through folk and country grassroots with a bright and fleeting, burst of sweet affection. The artist gets deep and personal, telling of a love that arrives in our minds and we find ourselves idealizing our other halves.

With profound lyrics, Ranzel X Kendrick immerses the listener through intense feelings of being in love, and not just any kind, it’s the one where you feel a magnetic draw to stay inside a love bubble as long as you can because it feels all to magical.

If absence makes the heart grow fonder, it also leads to constant yearnings about the missing object of affection. Ranzel X Kendrick displays the careful attention and determination to craft a song that creates feelings of ecstasy.

When your universe mixes with someone else’s world, you can often find yourself in the middle of something new and wonderful, ready to explore the mysteries of love. Whether it’s deep mood swings from excitement to agony and back again, no matter what, everywhere you go, it’s still a strange feeling you can’t help but surrender.

Accordingly, Ranzel X Kendrick remains a true inspiration with his own layered vocals, soaring over a love tune with a slow atmospheric breeze. “Crazy Love” is one of his most sentimental works, subtle and emotionally charged in a way that highlights his evolution as a songwriter, and the result is as deeply felt as it is deeply moving.

Listen on Spotify: Ranzel X Kendrick – Crazy Love

Listen on Spotify: Ranzel X Kendrick – Texas Cactus Album

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