Music Review: Ranzel X Kendrick – Seguin Son of a Gun

Ranzel X Kendrick - Seguin Son of a Gun-3

Ranzel X Kendrick gracefully navigates the intersection of folk-rock and country, the gentle-voiced songwriter turns detailed images of hometown tranquility into reflections on personality. On his latest single, Ranzel X Kendrick uses the inevitability of story-telling to explore understanding of oneself, and the only possible connection with his lifestyle.

This song lightly examines how the person you are truly aligns with the person you want to be, especially when you stumble upon hard–worn cultural norms. The singer knows the subject well as the result graces his alt-country sound with softer folk touches, putting him in the realm of Colter Wall or even Willy Tea Taylor.

Ranzel X Kendrick understands that personal lyrics don’t have to read like a diary excerpt—that specificity creates universality.  His voice dims with quiet reflection of the country life experience, highlighting the potential of the song’s simple melodies. He sings at one point, repeating that last bit again and again, turning it over until it becomes a mantra with its own rhythm.

I think lots of people will find good comfort in listening to this song. It’s soothing and chill, which you know you need more of in your life. “Seguin Son of a Gun” is hushed and patient, often the seek in-the-moment honesty over retrospective wisdom type of song.  It’s one of those tracks that you’ll soon know that the music will be over, the crowd will disperse, and the world will be louder and more confusing than ever.

Ranzel X Kendrick  is steadily developing into a poignant musician and happens to be an even more gifted singer-songwriter. “Seguin Son of a Gun” is more about the journey than the destination. The tune doesn’t reveal much about the artist but it streamlines and indulges in a subtle flurry of guitar and harmonica notes that sound lively and original.

Listen: Ranzel X Kendrick – Seguin Son of a Gun
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