Album Review: TATIA – EP_1

TATIA - EP_1-2

TATIA, an electronic singer/songwriter/producer, creates a dreamy ambient LP, full of lush textures, along with a number of other pleasant surprises. Her new album EP_1 is compulsively listenable, oddly moving, and stranger than it first appears.

Its tracklisting comprises of four songs, but really the records play out as a single suite of music, the tracks seamlessly joined by soaring vocals, minimal drums and layers of synthesizers.

The psychedelically inclined opener “How does it feel like,” is an expression of honeyed ambient bliss. At some point, the lyrics on the song start to make sense as a catalyst for free association, which is accentuated throughout the album. It’s profound for the kinds of thoughts it inspires and these compelling qualities make it easy to marvel at the work of TATIA, whose originally from Tiflis, Georgia and now currently lives in Freiburg, Germany.

Intimations of depth also play out in less obvious ways; there is always more here than meets the ear. The more you listen to EP_1 the more comforting you find it. The scale of the music is just immense, enough to solidify the everlasting fertility of the style TATIA has adopted.  “The sun, the moon” is whittled down to a state of intense purity, but it still feels colossal. Even the heaviest tracks have an unusually enveloping quality.

For a project written, performed, produced and mixed by the artist herself, it brims with fully realized moments, which takes nerve and good taste to conscript those auras. It’s an immense fortune that TATIA is able to put together enough ideas and experience to make the music she hears in her mind, and for any listener, it becomes a celebration of talent, with moments that create a kind of soothing joy that feels rarer to come by with each passing day.

Listen to Album: TATIA – EP_1

Listen on BandCamp: TATIA – EP_1

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