24 Best Michael Jackson Songs: A Closer Look At His Greatest Hits

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In this blog post, we take a look at some of the best Michael Jackson songs that became classic hits. Michael Jackson was an American singer, songwriter, and dancer. He was born on August 29, 1958 in Gary, Indiana, and rose to prominence as the lead vocalist of the Jackson 5, a popular Motown group formed with his brothers. Jackson began his solo career in 1971 and became one of the most successful and influential entertainers of all time.

With his distinctive voice, electrifying stage presence, and innovative music videos, Jackson revolutionized the music industry. He seamlessly blended elements of pop, rock, R&B, funk, disco, and soul to create his own unique sound. His infectious melodies, impeccable dance moves, and groundbreaking visual performances captivated audiences worldwide.

Jackson’s solo breakthrough came with the release of his sixth studio album, “Thriller,” in 1982. It became the best-selling album of all time, propelling him to international superstardom. The album spawned multiple chart-topping hits such as “Billie Jean,” “Beat It,” and the iconic title track “Thriller.”

Throughout his career, Jackson released numerous critically acclaimed albums, including “Off the Wall” (1979), “Bad” (1987), “Dangerous” (1991), and “HIStory: Past, Present and Future, Book I” (1995). He continued to push artistic boundaries with his music videos, incorporating complex storylines, intricate choreography, and groundbreaking visual effects.

Despite his undeniable talent and global success, Jackson’s personal life was often scrutinized by the media. He faced various legal and personal challenges throughout his career, which overshadowed his musical accomplishments to some extent.

Michael Jackson Death

The renowned pop icon, passed away on June 25, 2009. He died at the age of 50. The cause of his death was acute propofol and benzodiazepine intoxication. Dr. Conrad Murray, Jackson’s personal physician, administered these medications to help Jackson with his chronic insomnia. The combination of drugs proved to be fatal, leading to cardiac arrest. Despite efforts to revive him, Jackson was pronounced dead at the Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center in Los Angeles. His sudden and untimely death shocked the world and triggered an outpouring of grief from his fans globally.

Michael Jackson glove

Michael Jackson’s choice to wear a single glove was a combination of fashion, symbolism, functionality, and potentially a means to conceal a skin condition. As a fashion statement, the glove became an iconic accessory that added to Jackson’s unique image and helped him stand out. It symbolized individuality and non-conformity, representing his artistic identity. Additionally, the glove served a practical purpose during his performances, allowing him to emphasize his intricate hand movements and make them more visually captivating. It is believed that the glove initially served to conceal his skin condition, vitiligo, which causes depigmentation. Jackson, who had been diagnosed with vitiligo, claimed that the glove helped even out the appearance of his hands. While the exact reason for wearing a single glove was never explicitly stated by Jackson himself, its significance in his personal style and stage presence contributed to his enigmatic persona and cemented its place as a recognizable symbol of his career.

Michael Jackson Guinness World Records

Michael Jackson holds a total of 39 Guinness World Records. These records were achieved throughout his career and span various categories, highlighting his immense talent and impact on the music industry. Some of the records he holds include “Most Successful Entertainer of All Time,” “Most Grammy Awards Won in a Year (8),” “Best Selling Album of All Time (Thriller),” “Most Viewed Music Video Online in 24 Hours (“A Place with No Name”),” and many more. These records are a testament to Jackson’s exceptional achievements and his lasting influence on popular culture.

Best Michael Jackson Songs

1. “Thriller”

“Thriller” is a legendary song that serves as the title track of Michael Jackson’s iconic album. The song embodies the essence of horror and suspense, drawing inspiration from classic horror movies. It tells the story of a date-night gone wrong, where Jackson and his love interest find themselves pursued by a group of terrifying creatures. The song’s lyrics vividly depict the events, emphasizing the intense atmosphere and the fear experienced by the characters. “Thriller” is not only a catchy dance-pop tune but also features a memorable spoken-word section by horror legend Vincent Price. The song’s video, directed by John Landis, became one of the most famous and influential music videos of all time, with its intricate choreography and groundbreaking special effects.

2. “Billie Jean”

“Billie Jean” became the biggest classic hit song that propelled Michael Jackson to superstardom. It has over 1 billion streams on Spotify and over 1.3 billion views on YouTube. It narrates the tale of an obsessive fan who claims that Jackson is the father of her child, a story that draws from Jackson’s personal encounters with overzealous fans. The song explores themes of celebrity, paranoia, and the perils of fame. The lyrics express Jackson’s denial of the paternity claim and his frustration with the situation. Musically, “Billie Jean” features an infectious bassline, a danceable beat, and Jackson’s signature vocal style, showcasing his remarkable falsetto. The song’s iconic music video, with its innovative use of the LED-lit sidewalk and Jackson’s electrifying dance moves, further cemented its status as a groundbreaking piece of pop culture.

3. “Beat It”

“Beat It” is a dynamic and energetic song that delivers a powerful anti-violence message. It fuses elements of rock and pop, featuring a distinctive guitar riff by Eddie Van Halen. Lyrically, the song tackles gang violence and urges listeners to peacefully resolve conflicts. “Beat It” portrays a confrontational scenario where rival gangs clash, but Jackson’s lyrics encourage them to find common ground rather than resorting to violence. The song’s catchy chorus and spirited musical arrangement, combined with Jackson’s electrifying vocal performance, helped it become one of his most successful and recognizable hits. The accompanying music video, directed by Bob Giraldi, showcased Jackson’s incredible dance moves and further solidified his status as a groundbreaking entertainer.

4. “Smooth Criminal”

“Smooth Criminal” is a sleek and stylish song that explores themes of crime, mystery, and suspense. The lyrics paint a narrative about a seductive and elusive criminal, Annie, who bewitches the protagonist. The song’s title references Annie’s smooth and calculated modus operandi. Musically, “Smooth Criminal” is characterized by its infectious bassline, sharp percussion, and Jackson’s distinctive vocal delivery. The song’s distinctive feature is the “anti-gravity lean,” where Jackson and his dancers appear to lean forward at a gravity-defying angle during live performances. The innovative music video, directed by Colin Chilvers, showcases Jackson’s mesmerizing dance moves and incorporates a thrilling storyline. “Smooth Criminal” remains one of Jackson’s most beloved and recognizable songs, captivating audiences with its blend of pop, rock, and dance elements.

5. “Man in the Mirror”

“Man in the Mirror” is a powerful and introspective song from Michael Jackson’s 1987 album “Bad.” It conveys a message of personal and social transformation, urging listeners to examine themselves and make a positive change in the world. The lyrics encourage self-reflection and taking responsibility for one’s actions. Jackson emphasizes that real change begins with the individual, and by looking within ourselves, we can bring about a better world. The song’s uplifting melody, combined with its heartfelt lyrics, resonates with audiences and has become an anthem for personal growth and social awareness.

6. “Black or White”

Released in 1991 as the lead single from the “Dangerous” album, “Black or White” addresses themes of racial harmony, equality, and unity. The song celebrates the diversity of humanity and promotes the idea that skin color should not define one’s worth or treatment. With a blend of pop, rock, and hip-hop elements, the track showcases Jackson’s versatility as an artist. The music video, which garnered significant attention, features a groundbreaking morphing technology, emphasizing the message of racial harmony by showcasing people from different ethnic backgrounds. “Black or White” serves as a call for acceptance, breaking down barriers, and embracing the idea that we are all part of the same human family. The song’s combination of infectious beats, catchy hooks, and Jackson’s dynamic performance has solidified its status as one of his most iconic and memorable hits.

7. “The Way You Make Me Feel”

“The Way You Make Me Feel” is a dynamic and catchy track from Jackson’s 1987 album “Bad.” It captures the essence of infatuation and romantic attraction. The song explores the intense emotions one experiences when falling in love and the impact that the object of affection has on their life. With its infectious rhythm and energetic delivery, the song showcases Jackson’s ability to create irresistible pop hooks. “The Way You Make Me Feel” is a celebration of the thrill and joy that love can bring, and its playful lyrics and captivating melody make it a favorite among fans.

8. “Bad”

The title track from Jackson’s 1987 album, “Bad” is a powerful and edgy song that showcases his artistic growth and musical prowess. The lyrics tell the story of a misunderstood and rebellious character who faces criticism and judgment from society. Through his music, Jackson challenges these perceptions, asserting his confidence and talent. The song’s upbeat tempo, coupled with its aggressive vocal delivery, creates a sense of defiance and determination. “Bad” is an anthem of self-empowerment, encouraging listeners to stand up for themselves and not be defined by others’ opinions. The track’s iconic music video, directed by Martin Scorsese, features a dramatic confrontation and showcases Jackson’s exceptional dancing skills.

9. “Don’t Stop ‘Til You Get Enough”

“Don’t Stop ‘Til You Get Enough” is a lively and infectious disco-pop track from Michael Jackson’s 1979 album “Off the Wall.” The song is all about letting loose, having a good time, and embracing the joy of dancing. With its upbeat tempo and catchy hooks, it encourages listeners to keep dancing and enjoying the music until they can’t resist anymore. The lyrics convey a sense of liberation and the desire to let go of inhibitions, inviting everyone to join in the celebration. Jackson’s dynamic vocals and the energetic instrumentation create an irresistible groove that captures the essence of the disco era.

10. “Rock with You”

“Rock with You,” released in 1979 as part of the “Off the Wall” album, is a smooth and soulful R&B track. It is a love song that expresses the desire to share a special connection with someone through the power of music and dancing. The lyrics convey a sense of intimacy and the joy of being in the presence of a loved one on the dance floor. Jackson’s velvety vocals glide over the infectious beat, creating an enchanting and romantic atmosphere. The song’s fusion of disco, R&B, and pop elements, along with its captivating melodies, contributed to its widespread success and enduring popularity.

11. “Wanna Be Startin’ Somethin'”

“Wanna Be Startin’ Somethin'” is a pulsating dance-pop track from Michael Jackson’s iconic 1982 album “Thriller.” The song explores themes of interpersonal conflict and the challenges faced in relationships. It addresses the negativity and gossip that can surround individuals and encourages rising above the drama. With its infectious rhythm, vibrant instrumentation, and Jackson’s powerful vocals, the song delivers a message of resilience and empowerment. “Wanna Be Startin’ Somethin'” became a cultural phenomenon, with its energetic chorus and memorable hooks making it an instant hit that continues to captivate audiences.

12. “Human Nature”

“Human Nature” is a heartfelt and introspective ballad from Michael Jackson’s 1982 album “Thriller.” The song reflects on the complexities of human emotions, relationships, and the desire for connection. It contemplates the vulnerability and longing that exist within us all. Jackson’s tender and emotive vocals, coupled with the song’s serene melodies and atmospheric production, create a sense of introspection and contemplation. “Human Nature” showcases Jackson’s ability to convey deep emotions and captures the essence of his musical artistry. The song’s enduring appeal lies in its ability to touch the listener’s soul and evoke a sense of introspection and empathy.

13. “Dirty Diana”

“Dirty Diana” is a song from Michael Jackson’s 1987 album “Bad.” The song tells the story of a seductive and manipulative woman named Diana who uses her charms to allure famous musicians. The lyrics depict a cautionary tale about the dangers of falling for someone with ulterior motives. Jackson’s powerful vocals and the rock-infused sound of the song create a sense of intensity and urgency, reflecting the protagonist’s struggle with temptation and the pressures of fame. “Dirty Diana” showcases Jackson’s ability to delve into darker themes and deliver emotionally charged performances.

14. “P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing)”

“P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing)” is a track from Michael Jackson’s iconic 1982 album “Thriller.” The song is an upbeat and infectious dance-pop anthem that celebrates the joy and excitement of being with a youthful and attractive partner. With its catchy melodies and energetic production, “P.Y.T.” embodies the essence of 1980s pop music. Jackson’s smooth vocals and the infectious rhythm make it an irresistible party anthem. The lyrics convey a sense of admiration and desire for a vibrant and vivacious individual, emphasizing the irresistible allure of youth and beauty.

15. “Remember the Time”

“Remember the Time” is a song from Michael Jackson’s 1991 album “Dangerous.” It is a nostalgic and romantic track that reflects on the memories of a past love. The lyrics describe a passionate relationship and the desire to hold on to the cherished moments shared with a significant other. The song’s Middle Eastern-inspired sound, combined with Jackson’s soulful vocals, creates a captivating and exotic atmosphere. “Remember the Time” explores themes of longing, reminiscence, and the bittersweet nature of lost love.

16. “Heal the World”

“Heal the World” is a powerful anthem from Michael Jackson’s 1991 album “Dangerous.” The song carries a message of unity, love, and compassion, urging people to come together to create a better world. With its uplifting lyrics and melodic composition, “Heal the World” aims to inspire listeners to take action and make a positive impact on society. Jackson’s heartfelt delivery, along with the inclusion of a children’s choir, enhances the song’s emotional impact. “Heal the World” serves as a reminder of the importance of kindness, understanding, and collective responsibility in bringing about positive change in the world.

17. “Earth Song”

“Earth Song” is a powerful ballad by Michael Jackson that addresses environmental concerns and the state of the world. The song highlights the destructive impact of human activities on the environment, urging listeners to take responsibility for preserving and healing the planet. Jackson’s impassioned vocals express sorrow and frustration, emphasizing the need for change. The lyrics evoke images of natural disasters, deforestation, and animal cruelty, portraying a bleak portrayal of the world’s condition. Despite the somber tone, the song ultimately conveys a message of hope and calls for unity to protect the Earth.

18. “They Don’t Care About Us”

“They Don’t Care About Us” is a socially charged anthem that confronts issues of injustice, prejudice, and inequality. Jackson’s lyrics and energetic delivery shed light on various forms of discrimination and social problems faced by marginalized communities. The song emphasizes the importance of unity, resilience, and the fight against oppression. Originally met with controversy due to perceived anti-Semitic lyrics in some versions, Jackson maintained that his intention was to bring attention to all forms of prejudice and promote harmony among people.

19. “You Are Not Alone”

“You Are Not Alone” is a heartfelt ballad that explores themes of love, support, and companionship. Jackson’s tender vocals express deep emotional connection and reassure the listener of their worth and significance. The song’s lyrics convey a sense of comfort and solace, emphasizing that no matter the challenges one faces, they are not alone. It serves as a reminder to seek strength and find solace in the presence of loved ones during difficult times. “You Are Not Alone” became a commercial success and is often regarded as one of Jackson’s most intimate and touching songs.

20. “Off the Wall”

“Off the Wall” is an infectious and energetic disco-pop track that captures the essence of joy and liberation. The song encourages listeners to let go of their inhibitions and immerse themselves in the freedom of music and dance. It embodies the carefree spirit of the late 1970s disco era and showcases Jackson’s incredible vocal range and danceability. “Off the Wall” marked a significant turning point in Jackson’s career as a solo artist and set the stage for his later iconic releases. The song’s upbeat tempo, catchy hooks, and vibrant instrumentation make it an enduring favorite among fans and music enthusiasts alike.

21. “Stranger in Moscow”

“Stranger in Moscow” is a reflective and introspective ballad from Michael Jackson’s 1995 album, “HIStory: Past, Present and Future, Book I.” The song explores feelings of isolation, loneliness, and emotional detachment. It delves into the experience of being an outsider in a bustling city, using Moscow as a metaphor for the emotional landscape. Jackson’s vocals exude vulnerability as he contemplates the emptiness and despair that can come with fame and public scrutiny. The haunting melodies and atmospheric production, including the use of strings and synthesizers, enhance the introspective nature of the song, creating a sense of emotional depth and resonance.

22. “The Girl Is Mine” (with Paul McCartney)

“The Girl Is Mine” is a duet between Michael Jackson and Paul McCartney, released in 1982 as a single from Jackson’s “Thriller” album. The song presents a playful and friendly rivalry between the two singers over a woman’s affections. It revolves around a conversation between Jackson and McCartney, each trying to assert their claim on the girl. Despite the competitive nature of the lyrics, the song maintains a lighthearted and humorous tone, showcasing the chemistry between the two iconic artists. “The Girl Is Mine” blends elements of pop and R&B, with catchy melodies and harmonies, making it an enjoyable and memorable collaboration.

23. “I Want You Back” (with The Jackson 5)

“I Want You Back” is a classic Motown song recorded by the Jackson 5, a group composed of the young Michael Jackson and his siblings. Released in 1969, it became their debut single and a breakthrough hit. The song showcases the Jackson 5’s infectious energy and Michael’s remarkable vocal abilities at a young age.

“I Want You Back” is a joyous and upbeat track that captures the essence of young love and longing. It features catchy melodies, energetic harmonies, and a lively rhythm that makes it irresistible to dance to. The song’s lyrics express a desire to rekindle a lost romance, with Michael’s vocals exuding a sense of innocence and sincerity.

With its memorable opening piano chords and the iconic “uh-huh, huh” adlibs, “I Want You Back” became an instant success. It topped the charts, reaching number one on the Billboard Hot 100, and showcased the immense talent and potential of the Jackson 5. The song’s infectious charm and Michael’s charismatic delivery contributed to its enduring popularity.

“I Want You Back” remains a beloved classic, often cited as one of the greatest pop songs of all time. Its influence can be felt in the realms of pop, R&B, and Motown, inspiring countless artists over the years. The song not only marked the beginning of Michael Jackson’s incredible musical journey but also cemented his status as a prodigious talent and a force to be reckoned with in the music industry.

24. “Remember the Time”

“Remember the Time” is a captivating song by Michael Jackson that was released in 1992 as a single from his eighth studio album, “Dangerous.” This R&B and new jack swing-infused track takes listeners on a nostalgic journey through a past love affair, filled with fond memories and wistful yearning.

Opening with a distinctive Egyptian-inspired intro, the song immediately establishes a mysterious and enchanting atmosphere. Michael Jackson’s smooth and soulful vocals effortlessly glide over the rhythmic beats, drawing listeners into the narrative. Lyrically, “Remember the Time” tells the story of a cherished romance, reminiscing about the magical moments shared with a former lover.

The song’s lyrics paint vivid imagery of romantic escapades and grand gestures, transporting listeners back to a time when love was passionate and all-consuming. It captures the essence of longing for a lost connection and yearning to relive those cherished memories. Michael Jackson’s emotive delivery adds depth to the sentiment, evoking a sense of nostalgia and longing that resonates with listeners.

Accompanied by a visually stunning music video directed by John Singleton, “Remember the Time” transports viewers to ancient Egypt, featuring an impressive cast including Eddie Murphy, Iman, and Magic Johnson. The video enhances the song’s narrative, depicting a timeless love triangle amidst lavish Egyptian settings.

“Remember the Time” remains one of Michael Jackson’s most beloved and enduring hits, showcasing his ability to blend various musical styles while delivering a heartfelt and captivating story. It captures the essence of longing for lost love and the power of reminiscing about cherished moments, making it a timeless addition to his remarkable musical legacy.

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