Drake – ‘First Person Shooter’ ft. J. Cole: A Deep Dive into the Lyrics

Drake - 'First Person Shooter' ft. J. Cole - A Deep Dive into the Lyrics

In “First Person Shooter” by Drake featuring J. Cole, the lyrics portray a sense of competitiveness and self-assuredness. The artists, Drake and J. Cole, use gaming and sports references to emphasize their dominance in the music industry. They express confidence in their abilities and status, likening their collaboration to a Super Bowl-level event.

The song opens with J. Cole mentioning “first-person shooter mode,” suggesting they’re taking aim at their competition in a direct and precise manner. They challenge those who doubt their talent, highlighting their unique qualities and accomplishments.

Drake’s verse touches on the collaborative nature of their work, stating that unlike others, their verses are crafted together in the studio. He references debates about the “G.O.A.T.” (Greatest of All Time) in rap, asserting his and J. Cole’s positions as top contenders. The repetition of “Big as the Super Bowl” underscores the magnitude of their impact in the industry.

J. Cole’s verse continues the theme of competition, addressing critics and those who try to create controversy. He mentions his desire to collaborate with other artists and his reluctance to engage in unnecessary feuds. He also reveals the title of his upcoming album, “The Fall Off,” and emphasizes that he’s still at the top of his game.

The final part of the song sees Drake delivering a confident message about his success and stature in the music industry. He boasts about his accomplishments, and the lyrics convey a sense of self-assuredness and dominance.

Overall, “First Person Shooter” showcases Drake and J. Cole’s confidence, skill, and competitive spirit in the world of music, drawing parallels to the intensity of gaming and sports.


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