How to Choose Persuasive Music Essay Topics: Expert Tips

Do you need help coming up with persuasive essay topics about music? Whether you are a student, a writer, or someone who loves this subject, choosing the right subject online can be challenging. You want to select an area that is not only interesting but also stands out from the rest. Thus, this article will provide tips about the criteria for choosing a topic. This article also offers some ideas to get your creative juices flowing. From analyzing different genres to exploring the impact of music on society, we’ve got you covered.

How to Choose Persuasive Music Essay Topics - Expert Tips-2

When selecting a topic for a persuasive essay, it’s essential to consider many ideas, as this can inspire your thoughts. As you write about this kind of art, your aim should be to inspire your audience and show your expertise. So, let’s dive in and explore some tips for choosing persuasive essay topics about music.

How to Choose Music Research Topics

If you have opted for a music major, you are aware of the vastness of the subject. With many genres and the ability to connect melody with other fields, selecting a single research theme may take a lot of work for most students. However, researching various topics has the potential to be exciting if you choose an area that interests you.

While choosing a music research topic, consider your interests, such as classical or rock music. Think of the available resources and the scope of your research. It may be time-consuming, but it is crucial to select a researchable and workable area within your timeframe and resources. Your chosen research topic should be unique, relevant, and informative to contribute to the field’s existing knowledge.

Tips on Choosing Persuasive Music Essay Topics

Music is a universal language that speaks to people of all ages, cultures, and backgrounds. As a result, writing a persuasive music essay is an exciting and challenging task. The key to writing an engaging and argumentative essay is choosing a suitable theme to capture and inspire your audience’s attention. Here are some expert tips to help you get started.

Look for Controversial Issues

One essential tip for choosing a persuasive music essay topic is to look for controversial issues related to these artistic expressions. This could include topics such as the debate over the effects of explicit lyrics, the impact of technology on the industry, or the cultural appropriation of specific genres. Controversial issues are more attractive to readers as they evoke strong emotions and opinions. Additionally, a stance on a controversial issue can strengthen your argument and make your essay more persuasive.

When choosing a persuasive speech, consider the impact of music on society. As White and McCormack (2006) note, music has the ability to introduce societal problems such as poverty, racism, abuse, and addiction, as well as global issues such as hunger, disease, and war. This means that songs are a powerful tool for raising awareness and inspiring change. If you are on a short deadline, or aren’t able to think about a theme, you can always get a persuasive essay from Edusson that covers these topics. Even though buying persuasive essays nowadays stays controversial, Edusson guarantees you will receive unique and high-quality texts anytime you request their services.

Consider Current Events

Another way to come up with a persuasive music essay topic is to consider current events in the industry. This could include topics such as the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on live events, the rise of streaming services and their impact on the industry, or the controversy surrounding awards shows. By choosing a current event, you are able to add a timely and relevant aspect to your essay.

Explore the Impact of Music on Society

Music profoundly impacts society, and exploring this makes for a compelling essay topic. You could write about how songs have been used as a tool for social change, the effect of music on mental health, or how it brings people from different cultures and backgrounds together. By exploring the societal impact of music, you can demonstrate its power and ability to shape our world.

One fascinating way to explore the impact of music on society is by analyzing how certain songs and lyrics provide motivation and hope, even in the darkest of times. For example, the song “Alkaline – Motivation” has verses that speak to finding the light in the darkness and overcoming challenges. You are able to provide a unique perspective on this subject by delving into the meaning behind these lyrics and exploring how they motivate listeners.

Analyze Different Music Genres

Finally, another way to come up with a persuasive music essay topic is to analyze different genres. This could include topics such as the history and evolution of a particular genre, the cultural significance of a genre, or the impact of a specific artist on their genre. Analyzing a genre may provide a unique perspective on the area and showcase your expertise on the subject.

Consider the Scope of Your Essay

It’s essential to consider the length and scope of your text when choosing a music essay topic. If your essay is short, it’s best to choose a theme that is narrow in scope and be covered in-depth. On the other hand, if your essay is longer, choose a broader issue that allows you to explore multiple aspects of the subject. It’s important to strike a balance between a matter that is too broad and one that is too narrow, as this will impact the quality of your essay.

Music Essay Topics

If you run out of ideas or need help choosing a suitable theme, here is the list of music essay topics you may want to consider. These are divided into categories to help you further.

Music History

If you’re interested in history, consider writing a research paper on a music history topic. History offers many opportunities for exploration, including the evolution of musical instruments, styles, and genres, the influence on society and culture, and the lives of famous artists.

  • The Influence of African Music on American Jazz
  • The Evolution of Opera in the 18th Century
  • The Role of Music in the Civil Rights Movement
  • The Impact of Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony on Modern Music
  • The History of Reggae in Jamaica
  • The Origins and Development of the Blues
  • The Latin American Influence on American Popular Music
  • The Social and Political Commentary on the Work of Bob Dylan
  • The Relationship between Music and Nationalism in the Romantic Era
  • The Artistic Work and Life of Mozart: A Biographical Study.

These topics are just a few examples, and there are many more history research topics you should explore. Choosing an issue that interests you and has enough available resources to support your essay is essential.

Music Controversy

  • The Debate over the Use of Explicit Lyrics: Should There Be Censorship, or Should Artists Be Allowed to Express Themselves Freely?
  • Cultural Appropriation: Is It a Form of Artistic Expression or a Violation of Cultural Identity?
  • The Impact of Streaming on the Music Industry: Is It Beneficial or Detrimental to Musicians and the Industry as a Whole?
  • The Role of Music in Promoting Violence and Misogyny: Should Musicians Be Held Accountable for the Messages in Their Work?
  • The Ethics of Using Samples and Plagiarism: Is It a Form of Artistic Borrowing, or Is It Stealing?
  • The Commercialization of Music Festivals: Is It Ruining the Essence of Music and Festival Culture?
  • The Gender Imbalance in the Music Industry: Why Are There Fewer Women in Positions of Power in the Industry?
  • The Effects of Social Media on the Music Industry: Is It Empowering Artists, or Is It Making It Harder for Them to Maintain Control over Their Work and Image?
  • The Debate over the Use of Auto-Tune and Other Digital Enhancements: Is It a Tool for Artistic Expression, or Is It Masking a Lack of Talent?
  • The Impact of Music on Mental Health: Is Musical Therapy a Legitimate Form of Treatment, or Is It Merely a Placebo Effect?

These are just a few controversial music topics that could be explored in a research paper. It is vital to choose a theme that is relevant and significant to you and to present a well-informed argument in your essay.


Producing a comprehensive, thoroughly researched, and excellent-quality essay may be challenging. However, with these topics and the help of our proficient and experienced writing team, you can get one of the best persuasive music essays.

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