20 Ways On How To Get Subscribers On YouTube

How To Get Subscribers On YouTube

Starting a YouTube channel can be an exciting venture, but it’s essential to have a strategy in place for getting more subscribers and achieving success in the long run. In this blog post, we’ll delve into a few wyas to help you launch a thriving YouTube channel that attracts viewers and keeps them engaged. Let’s get started!

How To Get Subscribers On YouTube

1. Find Your Niche

Finding your niche on YouTube is crucial because it helps you stand out in a crowded platform and attracts a dedicated audience.

A niche allows you to focus on a specific subject or theme that aligns with your interests and expertise. When you cater to a niche, you’re more likely to create content that resonates deeply with viewers, fostering a loyal subscriber base.

For example, if your passion is fitness, specializing in a particular fitness niche like “calisthenics for beginners” instead of a broad “fitness” channel enables you to offer in-depth, valuable content. This targeted approach not only makes it easier to rank in search results but also appeals to a specific audience seeking expertise in that niche.

To choose the right niche, pick one that you’re genuinely passionate about. Your enthusiasm will shine through in your content and keep you motivated.

2. Quality Content

Creating high-quality content is non-negotiable for a successful YouTube channel.

High-quality videos, with clear visuals, good production values, and valuable information, establish credibility and trust with the audience. For example, a cooking channel that consistently delivers well-edited, informative, and visually appealing recipes will likely gain a dedicated following. Quality content not only increases viewer satisfaction but also enhances a channel’s chances of being recommended by YouTube’s algorithm, ultimately leading to growth and success.

Here’s what you need to focus on:

3. Consistent Upload Schedule

Consistency is key to building a loyal audience.

This means regularly posting videos on specific days and times that your viewers can rely on. For example, if you decide to upload every Tuesday and Friday at 5 PM, your audience will come to expect new content on those days. Consistency helps you establish trust with your subscribers and keeps them engaged. It also aids in the YouTube algorithm, as frequent and predictable uploads can improve your video rankings and visibility.

Establish a regular uploading schedule:

  • Choose specific days and times to release new videos.
  • Stick to your schedule to create expectations among your viewers.
  • Consistency helps build trust and keeps viewers coming back for more.

4. Keyword Research

Keyword research is a vital component of YouTube channel success. It involves identifying relevant keywords or phrases that potential viewers are likely to search for.

For instance, if your channel focuses on cooking, keyword research might lead you to discover that “quick and easy dinner recipes” is a highly searched phrase. By incorporating this keyword into your video title, description, and tags, you increase the chances of your content appearing in search results. Effective keyword research helps your videos reach a broader audience and improves discoverability, ultimately driving more organic traffic to your channel and increasing your chances of success.


5. Compelling Thumbnails

Compelling thumbnails are vital for attracting viewers to your YouTube videos. These thumbnail images serve as a visual preview of your content, and they should be enticing and relevant to the video’s topic. A well-designed thumbnail can significantly increase click-through rates.

For example, if your video is about a travel vlog in Paris, a compelling thumbnail might feature a captivating image of the Eiffel Tower or a picturesque Parisian street, along with clear text that hints at the adventure within the video. Vibrant colors, high contrast, and an element of intrigue are often used to create compelling thumbnails that stand out in search results and recommended video sections, ultimately driving more clicks and views.

6. Engage with Your Audience

Engaging with your audience involves actively interacting with viewers through comments, responding to questions, and acknowledging their feedback.

This interaction creates a sense of community and fosters a loyal fan base.

For example, if your YouTube channel is about cooking, regularly responding to viewers’ cooking-related questions, sharing personal anecdotes about your culinary experiences, and even featuring viewer-submitted recipes or cooking tips in your videos can demonstrate a high level of engagement. This not only keeps your audience connected but also encourages them to continue watching and participating in your content.

The more comments and likes your videos are getting the more the YouTube algorithm will share your video. This leads to getting more subscribers in the long urn.

7. Collaborate with Others

Collaborating with other YouTubers is a powerful strategy to grow your channel. By partnering with creators in your niche, you can tap into their audience and expand your reach.

Let’s say you have a travel vlog channel where you document your adventures around the world. You could collaborate with a fellow YouTuber who specializes in drone photography and videography. Together, you could create stunning aerial footage of the places you visit.

For instance, while you explore a beautiful beach destination, your collaborator could capture breathtaking aerial shots using their drone. This collaboration not only enhances the visual appeal of your travel vlog but also introduces your audience to the unique perspective of drone photography. By cross-promoting the video on both your channels, you both benefit from increased viewership and potential new subscribers who share an interest in travel and drone content.

8. Promote on Social Media

By sharing your videos and engaging with your audience on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok, you can attract new viewers and drive traffic to your channel.

If you run a travel vlog and you’ve recently posted a video about your adventures in a beautiful coastal town, you can promote it on social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Share captivating photos from your trip along with a brief description and a link to the full video on your YouTube channel.

Using relevant hashtags, such as #TravelAdventures or #ExploreCoastalTown, can help your posts reach a broader audience of travel enthusiasts. Social media promotion in this context allows you to showcase your travel experiences and attract viewers interested in exploring new destinations, thereby growing your YouTube channel’s audience.

9. Analyze and Optimize

Analyzing and optimizing your YouTube channel involves continuously monitoring your video performance and making improvements to maximize your reach and engagement.

For example, you can use YouTube Analytics to track metrics like watch time, click-through rates, and audience retention. If you notice that certain videos have higher engagement and longer watch times, analyze what makes them successful. Are there specific topics, video lengths, or formats that resonate with your audience? Once identified, you can optimize your future content to align with these successful elements, ultimately increasing the overall effectiveness and growth of your channel.

10. Patience and Persistence

Patience and persistence are crucial qualities for YouTube success. Patience involves understanding that building a substantial audience and achieving success can take time, often months or even years.

It means staying committed despite slow initial growth or setbacks. Persistence means consistently producing content, sticking to a schedule, and not giving up, even when faced with challenges or fluctuations in viewership.

For example, a YouTuber who started a cooking channel may not see significant subscriber numbers in the first few months. However, by consistently uploading high-quality recipe videos, engaging with viewers, and adapting to feedback, they gradually build an audience. Over time, their persistence pays off as they gain subscribers and establish themselves as a trusted cooking resource on the platform.

11. Create Catchy Titles

Your video titles should be attention-grabbing and accurately represent your content. Craft titles that pique viewers’ curiosity and clearly convey the value or entertainment your video offers:

  • Use Action Words: Incorporate action verbs that suggest what viewers will gain from watching.
  • Keep it Concise: Titles should be concise and to the point. Avoid overly long titles that may get cut off in search results.
  • Be Descriptive: Give viewers a glimpse of what they can expect without giving everything away.

12. Compelling Intros

Start your videos with engaging intros that hook the viewer’s attention from the beginning. Avoid lengthy intros that may lead to audience drop-off:

  • Teasers: Provide a brief teaser of what the video will cover to generate interest.
  • Visual Appeal: Use captivating visuals or quick cuts to grab the viewer’s attention.
  • Showcase Personality: Let your personality shine through in the intro to connect with your audience.

13. Storytelling

Incorporating storytelling techniques into your videos can make them more engaging and relatable:

  • Narrative Arc: Structure your videos with a beginning, middle, and end to create a clear storyline.
  • Personal Anecdotes: Share relevant personal stories or experiences that connect with your content.
  • Emotional Appeal: Use storytelling to evoke emotions and connect with your viewers on a deeper level.

14. End with a Call to Action (CTA)

Don’t miss the opportunity to engage your viewers and guide them towards taking action. At the end of your videos, include a compelling call to action (CTA):

  • Subscribe: Encourage viewers to subscribe to your channel for more content.
  • Like and Share: Ask them to like the video and share it with others who might find it interesting.
  • Comment: Invite viewers to leave comments with their thoughts, questions, or feedback.

15. Collaborate Strategically

Collaborations can be a powerful way to grow your audience. However, it’s essential to approach them strategically:

  • Mutual Benefit: Collaborate with creators whose content complements yours or whose audience aligns with your target demographic.
  • Plan Together: Work closely with your collaborators to plan and execute content that benefits both channels.
  • Promotion: Cross-promote each other’s videos and channel to maximize the impact of the collaboration.

16. Use Playlists

Organize your videos into playlists to improve the user experience on your channel. Playlists have several advantages:

  • Longer Viewing Sessions: When viewers watch one video in a playlist, they’re more likely to continue watching the next, increasing your channel’s watch time.
  • Improved Navigation: Playlists make it easier for viewers to find related content on your channel.
  • SEO Benefits: Playlists can also appear in search results, giving you additional visibility.

17. Study Your Competitors

Understanding what successful channels in your niche are doing can provide valuable insights. Here’s how to study your competitors:

  • Content Analysis: Analyze the type of content they create, their video formats, and their engagement strategies.
  • Audience Engagement: Look at how they interact with their audience, including responding to comments and engaging on social media.
  • Trends and Innovations: Keep an eye on emerging trends and innovations in your niche that your competitors are capitalizing on.

18. Evolve and Experiment

The YouTube landscape is continually evolving, so be open to trying new things:

  • Experiment: Don’t be afraid to experiment with different video formats, styles, or topics to see what resonates best with your audience.
  • Stay Updated: Stay informed about changes in YouTube’s algorithms and features to adapt your strategy accordingly.
  • Learn from Mistakes: Not every experiment will be a success, but you can learn valuable lessons from what doesn’t work.

19. Promote Outside YouTube

Extend your channel’s reach by promoting it outside of the YouTube platform:

  • Website Integration: If you have a website or blog, integrate your YouTube videos into relevant articles or pages.
  • Email Newsletter: Share your latest videos with your email subscribers to drive traffic to your channel.
  • Social Media: Share teasers or snippets of your YouTube content on various social media platforms to attract new viewers.

20. Be Authentic

Authenticity is a powerful tool for connecting with your audience. Be yourself on camera and let your personality shine through:

  • Honesty: Be transparent with your viewers, and don’t try to be someone you’re not.
  • Relatability: Share personal experiences and stories to create a sense of connection.
  • Unique Voice: Embrace your unique style and perspective, as it sets you apart from others in your niche.


By following these key steps, you’re well on your way to creating and growing a successful YouTube channel. Remember that building a thriving channel takes time, dedication, and continuous effort. Stay committed to delivering high-quality content, engaging with your audience, and adapting to the ever-changing landscape of YouTube. With persistence and the right strategy, you can achieve your goals on the platform. Best of luck with your YouTube journey!