7 Awesome Tips on How To Increase Your Vocal Range


Did you know that only 1% of the world’s population is born with perfect pitch? For the rest of us, improving our vocal range takes practice, dedication, and patience. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced singer, expanding your vocal range can help you take your performances to the next level. In this post, we’ll provide you with simple tips that can help you improve your vocal range. From warm-up exercises to seeking professional guidance, we’ve got you covered. So, let’s get started!

How to increase your vocal range

1. Do warm-up exercises


Warm-up exercises are an essential part of a singer’s routine, as they prepare the body and voice for singing.

Before singing, it’s important to warm up your muscles, stretch your vocal cords, and get your breathing rhythm going. Not only does this help prevent injury, but it also improves your vocal range by loosening up your muscles and preparing them for the demands of singing.

For example, a good warm-up exercise for singers is the lip trill. To do this, start by relaxing your lips and blowing air through them while making a buzzing sound. This helps to warm up the lips and the muscles around the mouth, which can improve the clarity and precision of your singing. Another effective exercise is the sirens, which involves smoothly sliding your voice up and down in pitch. This helps to stretch your vocal cords and improve your control over your voice.

2. Do breathing techniques

Have you ever felt like you couldn’t quite hit the high notes you wanted to when singing? It could be that your breath control needs some work. Breathing techniques can help improve your vocal range and make it easier to hit those higher notes.

One breathing exercise that can help is called “diaphragmatic breathing.” To do this exercise, lie down on your back and place your hands on your belly. Breathe in slowly through your nose, feeling your belly rise and your hands move outward. Then, breathe out slowly through your mouth, feeling your belly fall and your hands move inward. Repeat this exercise for several minutes, focusing on taking slow, deep breaths.

3. Experiment with different genres


Sometimes, trying something new can help break you out of your comfort zone and expand your vocal range. This is where experimenting with different genres comes in.

Each genre of music requires different vocal techniques and ranges. For example, classical music often requires a strong, operatic voice, while pop music often focuses on belting and a wider range of notes. Rock music often requires a powerful, gravelly voice. By trying out different genres, you can challenge yourself and expand your vocal abilities.

Let’s say you’re primarily a pop singer, but you’ve never really explored other genres before. You might decide to try singing a classical piece, like an aria from an opera. You’ll likely find that the technique and range required for this style of singing is quite different from what you’re used to. You might need to work on breath control, vibrato, and sustaining longer notes. However, by doing so, you’ll be strengthening your vocal muscles and expanding your range in new ways.

If you’re an singer looking to expand your skills and creativity, I encourage you to experiment with different instrumentals of different genres on Beatstars. It’s a music marketplace where music artists and producers can connect and collaborate.


Visit Beatstars for instrumentals

This can help you develop your own unique sound and stand out from other artists in your genre. Check out some of them genres they have for instrumentals you can use to practice:

4. Record and listen to yourself


Recording and listening to oneself is a powerful tool for identifying areas for improvement in vocal range. When you record yourself singing, you can listen back to your performance with a critical ear and pinpoint any areas that need work.

For example, let’s say you’ve been practicing a song that requires a high note at the end of the chorus. You record yourself singing the song and listen back to the recording, only to discover that you’re not hitting the high note quite right. Perhaps it sounds strained or pitchy, or maybe you’re not holding the note for as long as you should.

By listening back to your recording, you can identify the specific areas that need improvement and work on them in your practice sessions. You might try practicing the high note separately, focusing on proper breathing and vocal technique, and gradually building up to singing it within the context of the full song.

5. Find a Vocal Coach


If you’re serious about improving your vocal range, seeking the help of a professional vocal coach or teacher can make a big difference. A qualified vocal coach can provide personalized instruction and feedback that can help you identify and address your specific areas of weakness. They can also provide guidance on proper technique, which is crucial for developing a strong and healthy voice.

For example, you may struggle with hitting high notes. You end up practicing on your own for months, but you just seem unable to make any progress. However, with a good vocal coach who has turns of experience, he/she can be able to identify some bad habits in your technique that are holding you back. By working with a vocal coach to correct those habits, you can develop better technique, and be able to hit those high notes with ease in no time.

If you have trouble finding a vocal coach at an affordable price, I would recommend finding one on Fiverr. One advantage of using Fiverr is that it allows you to browse through a wide variety of vocal coaches from all over the world, and you can choose them based on their reviews and price.

Find a vocal coach on Fiverr

6. Maintain healthy habits


One of the most important habits to cultivate is staying hydrated. Drinking plenty of water throughout the day helps keep the vocal cords lubricated, which can prevent strain and damage to the voice.

Another important habit is getting enough rest. Adequate sleep is important for overall health and can also help the voice recover from any strain or damage that may have occurred during singing.

In addition to these habits, it’s also important to avoid smoking and excessive alcohol consumption. Smoking can cause irritation and inflammation in the throat and lungs, while alcohol can dry out the vocal cords and affect breath control.

7. Practice regularly and be patient


Improving your vocal range requires practice, and the more you practice, the better you’ll get. However, it’s important to remember that progress takes time, and you may not see improvement right away. That’s why it’s important to be patient with yourself and celebrate small achievements along the way.

For example, let’s say you’ve been practicing a vocal exercise to increase your high range, but you haven’t seen much improvement after a few weeks. Don’t get discouraged! Take a step back and evaluate your progress objectively. Maybe you can hit a note that you couldn’t before, or maybe you’re able to sustain a higher note for longer periods of time. These are small victories that are worth celebrating, and they’re indicators that you’re making progress.

In addition, it’s important to practice regularly. Even if you only have a few minutes a day to spare, make sure you’re consistently practicing your vocal exercises. You’ll be surprised at how much progress you can make with just a few minutes a day.


Alright, my vocal range aspiring friends, we’ve come to the end of our journey together. We’ve covered a lot of ground, from warming up and breathing techniques to experimenting with different genres and seeking professional guidance.

But let me remind you, improving your vocal range is not a sprint, it’s a marathon. It takes consistent practice, healthy habits, and sometimes a good sense of humor. After all, laughter is the best medicine, right? Well, maybe not for your vocal cords, but it sure can lift your spirits and keep you motivated.

So, keep practicing, keep experimenting, keep seeking guidance, and most importantly, keep having fun! And remember, even the greatest singers started somewhere, so don’t be too hard on yourself if progress is slow. Just keep moving forward, one note at a time.

Good luck on your vocal range journey, my friends! And don’t forget to sing your heart out, even if it’s only in the shower.

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