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I Don’t Wanna Be Sad & Lonely

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‘Sad and Lonely’ about dealing with depression, and pushing past it. It is meant to inspire, encourage and let people know that they are not alone.

I created the song as a way for me to vent. It is a reminder to what I’m fighting for. A reminder of how I felt and don’t want to feel anymore. I don’t like feeling sad, I don’t like being in a state of depression. I don’t mind being alone most of the time.

I honestly know how to have a lot of fun, when I’m all by myself. Still there are times when the company of others is wanted. I want my family and everyone else I care about to be happy and living comfortably. I don’t want anyone to have to feel sad and alone. Most people have a hard time connecting and expressing themselves to others.

Mostly because they don’t believe anyone will get it and understand them. I believe that everyone who has felt, how I felt, at some point, can relate to this song. I feel you can look and think if he’s dealing with the same thing I’m dealing with. He made it out, he changed the way he was thinking, so can I. That’s how I view it anyway.

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Watch: King Tay – Sad and Lonely

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