Ksenia Music Interview

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1. Thanks for doing our interview Ksenia. Please tell us about yourself, where are you from and where do you live now?

Hello there! My name is Ksenia, I am a singer/songwriter and a little bit of a comedian from a very small town in Russia. We have one big street, one doctor’s office, one night club, one restaurant and 12 ballet schools. I live in NYC now, thank god.

2. What do you feel has been your best musical release thus far into your career?

Unfortunately, it didn’t happen yet but I feel it coming! May 27, I’ll be releasing my new song “Let Somebody Love You” and hopefully it will be my best musical release.

3. What musicians would you most like to collaborate with?

Ed Sheeran, he is the best, so musical and talented, I would love to sing a duo with him, like a super sweet love song, so people could get married to it. I would also like to collab with artists like Dua Lipa, obsessed with her voice, and my latest obsession is Post Malone, this guy is so talented, unreal.

4. If you could only be remembered by one song what would it be?

You’re raising pretty interesting questions, I love it. I would like to be remembered by a song that inspires you to take an action towards your goals/dreams, song that sets your soul on fire. Now that we are talking about it, I am off to write that song. Chat soon, lol, just kidding.

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5. How would you describe your live show to any readers of ours who have not seen your show yet?

My live show is very entertaining, I combine lots of humor and with great tunes that came all the way from my heart and take people on an emotional roller coaster. My friends gave me 5 star review and told me that people didn’t even look at their phones during my show! Which is a good thing, I cant wait to do another show.

6. Every artist has a why. What is your why when it comes to creating music?

I feel like I am a natural born storyteller, I’ve been through so much and I have so much to share. I just love taking what happened to me and making it into a song, storytelling in 3 minutes and have an impact on people and make them feel the feelings and emotions, that’s amazing. Music is the most powerful medium of all.

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7. If you could only listen to one song on repeat for a solid week. What song would you choose?

My favorite song of all time is “Gravity” by Sarah Bareilies. I love to sing it, I love to listen to it. What a great song.

8. Tell us about your favorite LIVE shows so far as an artist.

I can’t say that some of my shows are not favorite. I enjoy them all so much. I have a great band of super talented musicians, they all are super supportive and funny. As long as I have a working mic in my hand and a few people in the audience, I can rock it and make it my favorite. Thank you so much for all the questions. Do Svidaniya.

9. List your social media links and spotify please so our readers can find you.

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