Music Review: Fingertrick – Thin Ice

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Fingertrick supposedly place within progressive spheres their heart-wrenching tune “Thin Ice”, that seemingly pieces with punk rock tides drifting toward crossover success.

The song flirts within pop punk and flits between acoustic lamentation and electrified frustration, as the singer asks the hard questions of love and trust, with a silvery tone. He presses ahead alone, the sour traces of the song curdling into words that could feel like blame games.

“Thin Ice” by and large, hinges on some of the band’s sharpest writing, this barrage squares off against heartache, disappointment, and sleepless nights—and survives. The singer relives the details of a turbulent relationship with muses both real and figurative, as if trapped in his own nightmarish version of cold nights, heart stabbings, ambulances and visits to the emergency room.

When you listen to Fingertrick’s song you understand the struggle is real and the pain is deep.  It’s not in the notes they play so much but rather the quality in which they play them. Reaching for an intense understanding might trace a structure and story, to make the song a surreal, transcendental work.

Part of the band’s album If Requiems Were Record Deals, the song unveils relationship’s deepest flaws and most fundamental beliefs. In perhaps the most empathetic song on the album, the singer at least wants to acknowledge his impulse, how it hurts, and how he can get better from here.

From end to end, he exposes old memories to new light, turning them around and around in an imaginative way, and how they built or corroded his inner beliefs. “Thin Ice” is a testament to the fact that life can hurt, and the singer spots that restlessness within but now he’s prepared to look over his shoulder musically just as he does lyrically.

Listen on Spotify: Fingertrick – Thin Ice

Listen on BandCamp: Fingertrick – Thin Ice

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Listen on Spotify: Fingertrick – If Requiems Were Record Deals

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