Rocking Against the Tide: A Review of Waking Stone’s ‘Still Living in War’

Rocking Against the Tide - A Review of Waking Stone's 'Still Living in War'

Waking Stone’s “Still Living in War” encapsulates the raw essence of rock, blending touching lyrics with powerful instrumentals to deliver a message that resonates deeply with listeners. The song dives into the enduring human struggle against conflict and war, offering a reflection on the perpetual cycle of violence and the longing for peace.

From the opening lines, the juxtaposition of everyday life against the backdrop of warfare is starkly portrayed. “Just another day, glisten the sun shining down,” sets the stage for the contrast between the mundane routines of life and the looming specter of conflict. The repetition of “war, war, war, war” serves as a haunting refrain, underscoring the omnipresence of violence in society.

The instrumentation complements the lyrical themes with driving guitar riffs and pulsating rhythms, conveying a sense of urgency and defiance. Each note reverberates with emotion, amplifying the song’s message of resilience and hope amidst chaos.

Throughout the track, the lyrics confront the complexities of war, questioning its inevitability and the motives behind it. Lines like “Rules to blame, isn’t it human way” delve into the darker aspects of human nature, exploring the greed and ambition that often fuel conflicts. Yet, amidst the despair, there’s a glimmer of optimism as the lyrics yearn for an end to the cycle of violence.

The climax of the song is marked by a fervent plea for change. “Oh, before the close of day, please tell me some good news,” encapsulates the longing for a brighter future, free from the shackles of war. It’s a gripping moment that sums up the universal desire for peace and unity.

In essence, “Still Living in War” is more than just a song; it’s a rallying cry for a world weary of conflict. Waking Stone’s impassioned performance and thought-provoking lyrics make this track a standout when it comes to rock music, offering both a critique of society’s ills and a beacon of hope for a better tomorrow.

“Still Living in War” by Waking Stone is part of a trio of singles that mark an exciting chapter in the band’s musical journey. Alongside is “Ashes To Ashes” and  “Is It Too Late?“. Released with music videos, each of these tracks serve as a tantalizing preview of what’s to come with the release of their full album.

Watch now: Waking Stone – ‘Still Living in War’

Watch now: Waking Stone – “Ashes To Ashes”

Watch now: Waking Stone – “Is It Too Late?”


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