Some Distant Memory – Just A Story Feature

Some Distant Memory – Just A Story Feature-2

Some Distant Memory is back with their latest musical project, “Just A Story,” another auditory adventure. Known for their ability to create unique soundscapes that take listeners on a journey, the band has once again delivered a track combining various genres and sounds to create something truly unique.

One of the most exciting aspects of “Just A Story” is the inclusion of fictional animated bandmates. Fans of Some Distant Memory will already be familiar with Nora, but the project also features other versions of characters created for the music video for “Sunrise Syndrome.” Fans of the band will have a blast checking out the cross-references between these two musical projects.

With this, Some Distant Memory adds an extra layer to the storytelling aspect of the track, blurring the line between reality and fiction. They’re inviting listeners to get lost in the world they’ve created, to get invested in their art and performances. It’s a fascinating concept rare in today’s commercial, simple-to-consume music world.

Of course, it wouldn’t be a Some Distant Memory track without some wildly interesting and bizarre sounds thrown in for good measure. The track is a feast for the ears, from glitchy electronic beats to soaring orchestral strings. The band has always been known for its ability to create unique soundscapes that transport listeners to another world, and “Just A Story” is no exception.

The production on the project is top-notch, with each instrument and sound perfectly balanced to create a cohesive whole. The band has put a lot of thought and effort into every aspect of the track, from the lyrics to the production to the animated characters accompanying it. This attention to detail sets Some Distant Memory apart from other bands in the same genre, making their music captivating.

Overall, “Just A Story” is a triumph for Some Distant Memory. It’s a track that combines storytelling, music, and visuals to create a truly immersive experience for listeners. Whether you’re a fan of rock, electronic, orchestral music, or just music in general, there’s something here for you. So sit back, close your eyes, and let Some Distant Memory take you on a journey you won’t soon forget.


Youtube – “Sunrise Syndrome”

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