Spotify vs. Apple Music: Which offers the best royalties?

Spotify vs. Apple Music - Which offers the best royalties

In this article, we dive into the intricacies of royalties by pitting two titans of the streaming world against each other: Spotify vs Apple Music.

The Significance of Royalties

For artists and songwriters, royalties are not merely dollars and cents; they represent the recognition of their artistry and the compensation for their hard work. In a world where physical album sales have taken a backseat, streaming royalties have become the lifeblood of countless musicians.

Spotify and Apple Music stand tall as the giants of the streaming realm. With millions of active users worldwide, they have redefined how we consume music. Their playlists dictate the trends, and their algorithms influence the discovery of new sounds. However, while they offer an unrivaled platform for artists to showcase their work, the question remains: which of these titans offers the most equitable deal when it comes to royalties?

Spotify Royalties System

Spotify primarily employs a pro-rata model, which means they pool all subscription and ad-supported revenue together and distribute it based on the total number of streams.

For example, if Spotify’s monthly revenue from subscriptions and ads is $100 million. If your song accounts for 1% of all streams on Spotify in a month, you’d earn $1,000,000 in royalties (1% of $10 million).

Over time, the average value per play for Spotify Music is approximately $0.03. You can use our free Spotify royalties calculator to find out how much you’ll get paid based on number of streams. Also, Spotify just confirmed that a song must generate at least 1,000 streams per year or they will not pay you for it.

Pros of Spotify’s model

  • Predictable payouts based on streams.
  • Exposure to a vast user base.

Cons of Spotify’s model

  • Lower per-stream payouts (due to the large pool of songs).
  • Difficulty for emerging artists to earn substantial royalties.

Apple Music Royalties System

Apple Music, on the other hand, uses a different approach to calculate royalties. They pay artists a fixed rate per stream, regardless of the revenue generated by the platform.

The average value per play for Apple Music’s individual paid plans, inclusive of both label and publisher royalties, is approximately $0.01.

Let’s say Apple Music pays $0.01 per stream. If your song gets 100,000 streams, you’d earn $1,000 ($0.01 x 100,000 streams).

Pros of Apple Music’s model:

  • Higher per-stream payouts.
  • Consistency in earnings per play.

Cons of Apple Music’s model:

  • Less exposure for new artists compared to Spotify’s playlists.

How much are Apple music royalties compared to Spotify

When comparing Apple Music royalties to Spotify, the difference in per-stream payouts is significant. Spotify, with its average per-stream rate of $0.003, falls considerably behind Apple Music, which pays out approximately $0.01 per stream.

Now, let’s compare the royalties earned on both platforms using a simple example.

Suppose an artist’s song receives 1 million streams on Spotify and 1 million streams on Apple Music in a month.

  • On Spotify (using the pro-rata model), they might earn $5,000 (assuming a $5 million monthly revenue pool and a 1% share).
  • On Apple Music (with a $0.01 per-stream rate), they’d earn $10,000.

In this scenario, the artist would earn more from Apple Music, thanks to its higher per-stream rate. However, if Spotify makes more money within a given period, the more money you’ll make. That’s why Spotify takes extreme measures to ban accounts that use bots or have fake streams, as they deny hardworking artists a part of the revenue share.

It’s essential for artists to weigh these factors when deciding which platform aligns best with their career goals and audience. You also have to consider that actual earnings can vary depending on the artist’s popularity, contract terms, and the total number of streams.

Factors Affecting Royalties

When it comes to streaming royalties, it’s not just about the platform’s payout structure; several factors can significantly impact the amount artists earn. Let’s delve into these critical elements:

Playlist Placement Matters

One of the most influential factors in determining an artist’s streaming income is playlist placement. Spotify, known for its extensive selection of playlists, offers artists the opportunity to get their tracks featured. The coveted “Editorial Playlists” can drive millions of streams and significantly boost royalties. Apple Music, on the other hand, has its curated playlists, but they may not have the same reach as Spotify’s playlists.

Fan Engagement and Repeat Streams

Both platforms reward artists when listeners engage with their music. When fans add songs to their personal libraries, create playlists, or listen repeatedly, it can translate to higher royalties. Encouraging fan engagement through social media and live performances can lead to increased streaming numbers on both Spotify and Apple Music.

Niche Markets and Exclusive Releases

For artists with niche audiences or dedicated fan bases, exclusive releases can be a game-changer. Spotify and Apple Music have both ventured into exclusive content deals with artists. These exclusives can attract dedicated fans to subscribe to a particular service, resulting in a boost in royalties for the artist involved.

The Verdict

Spotify and Apple Music each have their merits. Spotify’s algorithm-driven model rewards popular tracks with higher payouts, while Apple Music offers a consistent per-stream rate. For emerging artists, Spotify’s playlist placements can be a game-changer. However, Apple Music’s transparency and higher per-stream rate may benefit independent musicians.

The verdict? It depends on your music and audience. Spotify’s exposure can skyrocket your streams, but Apple Music’s reliable earnings per play may suit smaller acts better. Ultimately, a strategic combination of both platforms can optimize your royalty earnings in the ever-evolving music industry.


Understanding the nuances of platforms like Spotify and Apple Music is essential for artists seeking to maximize their earnings. Both services offer distinct advantages, but success ultimately depends on factors like playlist placement, fan engagement, and exclusive opportunities.

As you navigate your music career, keep in mind that the streaming world is dynamic. New platforms and technologies are continually emerging, potentially changing the way artists earn royalties.