The REAL Reason Why Mixing and Mastering Is Important


Mixing and mastering is important because an audio engineer can get to perfect the sound experience that is intended for the listeners.

The success of your music depends upon grabbing your listeners’ attention and keeping them engaged. If most of them skip your songs barely 10 seconds in, then that could spell trouble for your music career.

Most musicians are aware of how competitive the industry is, and how it’s saturated with lots of music. So first impressions count. Like a fine horse breed, you need to start strong out of the gate in order to stand out from the rest. Through mixing and mastering, your music is able to sound refined and polished.

Evolving Standards in Music Quality

It’s understandable that some artists may want to achieve fame and success quickly. The sooner they get their music out there, the sooner they will achieve their goal. That’s why some artists just entirely skip the process of mixing and mastering because it takes experience and time to achieve that pro sound. Plus hiring a professional can seem counter-intuitive since there’s free software out there that can do the job.

Record labels back in the day were actually GREAT at being the initial filters for music and quality. In the 60s or 70s – you had to be a serious artist, spending probably a couple of years practicing your ass off just to get in the zone of being good – JUST to be taken seriously and just to be able to have an entry point to be in the room.

However, in today’s landscape anyone can make music. You just need a good pair of headphones, and a laptop installed with your favorite DAW. It literally takes minutes to press a few buttons, do some editing and you have a really ‘dope’ song.

Furthermore, with the rise of free music streaming platforms such as SoundCloud and YouTube, it has made things much more complicated. That has resulted in the level of quality music taking a serious nose dive.

But there are somethings you learn the hard way. You can spend so much energy trying to find a shortcut to music success only to realize that it requires hard work. And without it you will never get there.

Top Mixing and Mastering Services on Fiverr

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