8 Awesome Tips on How to Protect Your Vocals As A Singer


Have you ever wondered how some singers seem to effortlessly hit high notes and maintain their vocal strength night after night, while others struggle with vocal fatigue and strain?

While vocal training and technique are undoubtedly important, another key factor to consider is diet and hydration. In fact, the foods and drinks that you consume can have a significant impact on your vocal health and performance as a singer. So, what should you eat and drink to protect your voice as a singer?

In this blog post, we’ll explore the best foods, supplements, and lifestyle habits to help you maintain vocal health and take your singing to the next level.

1. Stay hydrated

Stay-hydrated Awesome Tips on How to Protect Your Vocals As A Singer

When it comes to keeping your voice healthy and strong, staying hydrated is key.

This means drinking plenty of water throughout the day to keep your vocal cords lubricated and prevent dehydration.

But hydration isn’t just about what you drink; it’s also about how you drink. For example, drinking through a straw can cause excess air intake, which can dry out your throat and lead to vocal strain. Sipping water slowly and consistently throughout the day is a better option.

Is Cold water good for your voice?

While drinking water is essential for keeping your vocal cords hydrated and healthy, cold water may not be the best choice for your voice.

Drinking very cold water or consuming ice-cold beverages can cause your vocal cords to tense up and constrict, making it more difficult to produce sound and potentially causing strain or damage to your voice.

Instead, it’s best to drink water that is at room temperature or slightly warm, as this will be more soothing to your throat and vocal cords. If you prefer cold water, try adding a few ice cubes to bring the temperature down slightly, rather than drinking it ice-cold.

In general, it’s important to listen to your body and pay attention to how your voice feels after consuming different temperatures of water or other beverages.

If you notice that cold water or other cold drinks make your voice feel tense or strained, it may be best to stick to room temperature or warm beverages for vocal health.

Best Drinks to clear your voice when singing

Herbal teas like chamomile, ginger, and peppermint can help soothe your throat and reduce inflammation. Additionally, warm water with a bit of honey and lemon can provide a hydrating and soothing effect to your vocal cords.

Worst drinks to avoid when singing

Sugary and caffeinated drinks like soda, energy drinks, and coffee can dehydrate your body and dry out your vocal cords, leading to vocal strain and fatigue.

Another thing to keep in mind is that alcohol can be dehydrating and cause inflammation in the body, including the vocal cords. So, if you’re going to indulge in a drink, be sure to also consume plenty of water to counteract the dehydrating effects.

2. Eat healthy foods


As a singer, it’s important to consider the impact of different food groups on your vocal health.

For example, fruits and vegetables are packed with antioxidants, which can help reduce inflammation and protect the vocal cords from damage.

Some great options include berries, leafy greens, carrots, and sweet potatoes.

When it comes to protein, lean sources such as chicken, fish, and tofu can provide the necessary building blocks for strong vocal cords.

In addition to drinking plenty of water, you can also incorporate hydrating foods into your diet, such as watermelon, cucumbers, and celery.

What can I eat before singing?

A good pre-singing meal or snack could be a turkey and avocado sandwich on whole grain bread, with a side of fruit and water.

Alternatively, a snack of apple slices with almond butter and a small handful of nuts can also provide sustained energy without causing discomfort. Remember to experiment and see what works best for your body and vocal needs.

Also, make sure to drink plenty of water before singing to ensure that your vocal cords are well-hydrated.

Ideally, you should eat a meal 2-3 hours before singing to allow time for digestion. This will help avoid discomfort or bloating while singing. If you don’t have time for a full meal, a light snack 30-60 minutes before singing can be sufficient.

3. Do vocal warm-ups before singing


Before you start singing, it’s important to warm up your voice. This can include breathing exercises, vocal exercises, and stretches to help prepare your vocal cords for singing.

How do I avoid straining my voice when singing?

It’s important to take breaks and not push your voice too hard. If you feel your voice becoming strained or tired, take a break and rest your voice.

Singing songs that are within your vocal range can also help prevent strain. If a song feels too high or too low for your voice, consider transposing it to a key that is more comfortable for you.

Remember, singing should be a joyful and enjoyable experience, so don’t push your voice beyond its limits.

Now, let’s look at some examples of vocal warm-ups:

  1. Lip trills: This exercise involves blowing air through pursed lips while humming, creating a buzzing sound. It helps to warm up the lips, tongue, and jaw, and can also improve breath control.
  2. Tongue twisters: Tongue twisters are a fun way to warm up the mouth muscles and improve diction. Examples include “red lorry, yellow lorry” or “she sells seashells by the seashore.”
  3. Humming: Humming exercises can help to warm up the vocal cords and improve resonance. Simply hum a tune or scale, starting at a comfortable pitch and gradually moving higher or lower.
  4. Sirens: This exercise involves sliding the voice up and down in pitch, like a siren. It helps to loosen up the vocal cords and improve range.
  5. Vowel sounds: Singing vowel sounds, such as “ah,” “ee,” and “oo,” can help to warm up the mouth muscles and improve tone.

Remember, it’s important to tailor your warm-up routine to your own voice and singing style.

Start with a few simple exercises and gradually increase the intensity as you warm up. And don’t forget to cool down after singing, with gentle stretches and relaxation exercises.

If you’re looking to take your singing to the next level, consider hiring a vocal coach.

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced singer, working with a vocal coach can help you reach your full potential and achieve your singing goals. So take the first step today and find a vocal coach on Fiverr. Your voice will thank you!

Find the best vocal coach on Fiverr

4. Get enough sleep


Getting enough sleep is essential for vocal health because it allows your body to repair and recover from the demands placed on your vocal cords during singing.

When you’re sleep-deprived, your body produces less melatonin and growth hormone, which are necessary for the repair and maintenance of your vocal cords.

If you don’t get enough sleep, you may notice several negative effects on your voice.

For example, you may experience vocal fatigue or strain, hoarseness, difficulty hitting high notes, or a reduced vocal range. You may also find it harder to control your breathing, which can affect your singing technique.

In addition to affecting your voice directly, lack of sleep can also lead to other factors that can negatively impact your vocal health.

For example, sleep deprivation can weaken your immune system, making you more susceptible to colds, flu, and other respiratory illnesses that can affect your voice. It can also increase your stress levels, which can cause vocal tension and strain.

5. Manage stress


Managing stress is essential for maintaining healthy vocal cords. When you’re stressed, your body releases the hormone cortisol, which can cause inflammation and swelling in your vocal cords.

This can lead to a strained and hoarse voice, making it more difficult to sing or speak for extended periods of time.

Additionally, stress can affect your breathing, which is a critical aspect of singing. When you’re stressed, you may find yourself taking shorter, shallower breaths, which can cause tension in your neck and throat muscles. This tension can lead to vocal fatigue and strain over time.

If you don’t manage your stress levels, it can lead to long-term vocal damage. Chronic stress can cause chronic inflammation and swelling in the vocal cords, which can result in vocal nodules or polyps. These are growths on the vocal cords that can cause hoarseness, pain, and difficulty singing.

Therefore, it’s important to find healthy ways to manage stress in your life. This could include activities like yoga, meditation, or deep breathing exercises. You could also try talking to a friend or a mental health professional to help you work through stress and anxiety. By managing your stress levels, you’ll be able to maintain healthy vocal cords and achieve your best singing performances.

6. Avoid smoking


Smoking is extremely harmful to your vocal cords. When you inhale cigarette smoke, it irritates and inflames the delicate tissue in your throat, which can lead to a number of problems for singers.

First, smoking can cause your vocal cords to become stiff and less flexible, which can make it more difficult to hit certain notes or to sing with the same level of control and precision as you would if your cords were healthy. It can also cause your voice to sound hoarse, raspy, or breathy.

In addition to the direct damage to your vocal cords, smoking can also have broader effects on your overall health, which can impact your ability to sing.

For example, smoking can cause chronic bronchitis, asthma, and other respiratory conditions that can make it more difficult to breathe properly while singing. It can also weaken your immune system, leaving you more vulnerable to illnesses that could affect your vocal health.

The good news is that quitting smoking can have a significant impact on your vocal health. Within just a few weeks of quitting, your vocal cords will start to heal and your voice will begin to sound clearer and more resonant. Your breathing and overall stamina will also improve, making it easier to sing for longer periods of time without getting fatigued.

If you’re a smoker, quitting can be a challenge, but it’s one of the best things you can do for your vocal health (and your overall health!). There are a number of resources available to help you quit, such as nicotine replacement therapies, support groups, and counseling. Talk to your doctor or a vocal coach for guidance on how to quit smoking and maintain your vocal health.

7. Limit alcohol and caffeine


Alcohol and caffeine are both diuretics, which means they can dehydrate your body.

When your vocal cords are dehydrated, they become less flexible and more prone to strain and damage.

Additionally, alcohol and caffeine can cause acid reflux, which can irritate your vocal cords and lead to vocal strain and hoarseness.

To support your vocal health, it’s important to limit your intake of alcohol and caffeine. If you do consume these beverages, make sure to drink plenty of water alongside them to stay hydrated.

You may also want to consider switching to decaf coffee or herbal tea as an alternative to caffeine. By taking care of your vocal cords and keeping them well-hydrated, you can maintain your vocal health and achieve your best singing performances.

8. Exercise regularly


When you exercise, you strengthen the muscles that support your breathing and vocal production.

This can help you maintain good posture, which is important for allowing your lungs to fully expand and for supporting your vocal cords. Exercises that focus on core strength, such as yoga or pilates, can be especially beneficial for singers.

If you don’t exercise regularly, you may find that your breath support and posture suffer. This can lead to vocal strain and fatigue, making it more difficult to hit high notes or maintain your vocal strength over long periods of time. Additionally, poor posture and breath support can put unnecessary strain on your vocal cords, increasing the risk of injury.

Regular exercise is important for maintaining good posture and breath support, which are essential for healthy singing. By incorporating exercises that focus on core strength and breathing, you can support your vocal health and improve your singing performance.


As a singer, taking care of your voice is essential for a long and healthy career. And while there are many factors that contribute to vocal health; vocal warm-ups, diet and hydration play a crucial role.

And let’s not forget the importance of lifestyle habits like getting enough sleep and managing stress.

By incorporating healthy habits that promote vocal health, singers can ensure that their voice stays strong and vibrant!

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